Sunday, June 20, 2010

More hair questions...?

Okay, well this is a question on behalf of my friend, who has lost all hope with her hair.

She states quote

" My hair is so thick it takes about 3 hours plus to dry it. if i wash my hair now ( the time was 10-ish) then it will be fully dry by 3 or so. and i cant do anything with it. i have tried to thin it out but it never works. and when i straighten it gets so frizzy, that it doesnt look like i did it. UGH! i just want to cut it all off"

no i really dont want to suggest she pull a Brittany Spears, but i want to help her. we are best friends and i can have tried to help her with anything she needs, and now i cant because of her hair? yeah i know it prolly sounds rediculous, but when you have been friends for 11 years.. yeah.

thanks so much, tips- instructions- and pics would be rad.

x) thanks so much.

More hair questions...?

i doubt it takes that long to dry ur hair using a hair dryer .

but tell her to try drying her hair in sections .

More hair questions...?

go to a salon. tell them to take the bulk out. and tell her to quit whining!!!! and maybe taking some length off wouldnt hurt, it it takes that long to dry!!

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